

Oct 25, 2007
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Nottingham, UK
Well now I have a new Lense for my slr I thought as it is rutting time for the deer I thought I would have a play lol.
I went to Wollaton hall in Nottingham which have both red and fallow deer as well as other wildlife roaming around.
Now the fallow deer see people everyday with no problems but weirdly when they see me coming they run like the wind lol her are my best shots (so far)



The red deer on the other hand are not shy and run away I could of got closer however they are not pets and I respect there size,power and grace.
here are again my best shots




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what lens are you using and what camera?

nice shots BTW.
Thank you all fo the comments :hyper:

Ianho i have a Canon 300d with a sigma 70-300m telephoto lense :hey: not a modern piece of kit but does the job just as well.

I think the deer are very elegant.
I've seen lots of deer as my grandad and dad both have farms in Donegal and when I was a kid I'd love to watch them roaming about the countryside. They shoot them unfortunately as they destroy crops and vegetables.

I found one when I was a child, only born. The mother had buried it in leaves and hay which is quite common apparently. My grandad lifted it and fed it milk and rared it with the cows. If he didn't do this the mother would have got a human scent and killed it. I'm not sure if this was true though or something he heard. It lived there for years and would come over at feeding time and let you stroke it. Far more tame than the cows.
It ran off eventually. They are everywhere in that area of Donegal. I enjoy going back there and watching them no matter what time of year. I don't tell either my grandad or dad though or the gun would be out. :angry:
Great shots mate. :good:

Haven't been to Wollaton Hall since i was a kid. Can remember being amazed by the inside of the hall. :lol:

Any rutting behaviour from the Deer?

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