hey wolf!,
well im starting my second tank wich is a 29 us gallon, and i'll star cycling the next week (when my mom comes back) or this weekend i mah brother doesnt work, becuz nobody is able to get me to walmart to buy the ammonia
so i'll have to wait in the meantime im just running the filter with the water on it and doing water changes to clear up da cloudiness caused by the sand
well my suggestions are the same i'll do with mine (i only have the sand and a decorative guy
) what i'll do is put some live plants easy to take care of and low medium light needs, and then mix it with silk plants
why not put all live? becuz the colorful ones are the hard to take care of ones
. why im recommendin you silk? becuz they are a lot more nice lookin , they give you the sense that they are real , and they move along as the water flows
i added a pic for you to see hows my tank ....
hope that helped
and good luck!!!!
p.s: a list that i liked of live plants
anubias nana *******backdrop************
low *********very easy
petite nana *********foreground**********
low **********very easy
Brazilian penny ******floats and**********
medium *******
wort ***************middleground********
low **********easy
water sprite *********backdrop**********
med-low *******easy
asian ambulia ********foreground********
med-low *******easy
java moss ***********not specific**********
low *********very easy
dwarf saggitaria ******foreground*********
medium *******easy
then the color i leave it for the silk plants
hope this helped