Black rocks.. Tree trunk.. Rocky background... that's all i have so far.. How should I decorate this tank? I wouldn't mind experimenting with live plants. but I'm quite new, so I'd be doing some research first..
I'm wondering what do ppl pefer ..
1>. A tank with a ton of plants
2>. A tank with a ton of rocks
3>. An even mix of both
What kinds of fish are you going to put in it? Some fish don't tolerate plants and just tear them up.
I dunno, I sorta like just any kind of fish (and tank) as long as I don't have to pay for it!!!
Be sure to introduce yourself in the newbie section
You have a great start already! Have a look in this forum at tanks from other members and tank some of the ideas that you like. The type of tank decor can be a tough choice but it you know what type of fish you are interested that can help you narrow down some of the choices.