Decor Ideas?


New Member
Mar 26, 2010
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Leeds - United Kingdom
Hello Everyone!

I hope your all having a wonderful evening!

Well I finally have a break from Work and decided it's time to get my Aquarium sorted out!
I have a Fluval Deep Duo which is about 120 Litres.

It's home to 5 Angel Fish which are all healthy and eatting great!
The tanks tests show all is well with the tank but it doesn't look that well set out.

I do like the idea of Rocks and Wood with afew plants, I also want to keep the Gravel.

Theres a pretty good filter in the tank, I forgot the exact make but I think it's a fluval I bought it
seperate for £59.99 on sale. I may upgrade to an external at some point, not sure at the moment though.

Really could do with some idea/pics and tips on what to do with the tank, As I said I like the natural
rock/wood idea and maybe a bubble bar when I buy an air pump,

Thanks for reading!
Get some marco rocks.. lol

You could try live plants,,, they really look noce and are always changing
Since dipping into the live plants I don't want to look back. Do some research into plants that angels may prefer. I personally love various sword plants and mirco-swords (looks like grass). I only use a 18" T8 and the plants still grow and change at a really good rate.
I want to add some rock and wood aswell, Live plants are nice but I don't want alot of them.
Looking for some kinda rock formation with wood mixed in
google marco rocks................

It is calcium carbonate rock so it will definately raise your Gh, Kh and Ph so you might not want them.. I got them for my upcoming cichlid tank so it really doesnt matter because they love a high mineral content. (plus the rock looks GREAT)
I'd be a bit concerned about the 5 angels. I think the tank may be able to support a pair of angels (which is probably what will happen when a pair form). Not sure on the height of the tank (16" from internet search), angels need tall tanks and I think the recommended height is 18". Perhaps wait for Tolak (I know they are an experienced breeder/keeper angels)or some other to post.

With regards to decor, natural is best in my opinion. Sand, bogwood and live plants. Especially for angels - you could do a South American theme, throw in a small shoal of tetra and cory's.
defiantly do some live plants, there always good for the tank and will bring everything out. Also you should do some rocks and driftwood to complete the scene of the tank. Angelfish would be happy with that.

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