Deco Art AquaVase for #16

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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I just bought a Deco Art AquaVase made by Red Sea. It took me about 10 minutes how to work the filter that comes with it. I didn't know you had to put water in the filter first. :*) *hehe* Anyways, this AquaVase was for my betta #16 because this one looked so nice that I did not want to intervene with him during tank cleanings. In the past I had two accidents cleaning the tanks and one of them included ripped finnage. Now he's driving me nuts because he likes to play where the filter is pouring (I had to pit it on it's lowest setting) and to squeeze himself between the tank wall and filter siphon. I wince everytime he does that and then I'll look at his fins for any signs of a tear. Is there any disciplinary action I can take so he won't risk ripping his fins? Sorry if I sound so anal about this one. :)
hmmm, is the current too strong for him? Sounds like it is by the way you described him getting under the flow.....that would be the only still place and he might feel more comfortable there -_-
Maybe you could cut a piece of sponge and put it in the area where he keeps squeezing? If you're really worried about rips, this would prevent him from getting in that area. I've been forced to "sponge" a hole in one of my decorations because my gourami actually got stuck in it. :X Better safe than sorry if you ask me!
He's swimming UP the current and he likes to snake around the filter intake pipe. Could he just be playing? I rearranged the plant so the water flow will fall on top of it dispersing it's force, even though it's on its lowest setting.

Yeah, a sponge sounds like an idea. Just rinse well after I cut it to size, right?

I actually like this kind of bowl. I'm thinking of getting one every two weeks for all my cambodians. The next two are for bachelor #2 and #4. But I feel so bad for the other guys. I can only afford so much and have so much space to do it in. I must be a bad fish keeper. AAARRGGGHHH!!!! Well, at least those guys aren't in those specimen cups anymore.

Sorry if I don't have pics. The camera we had seemed to drain the batteries real fast and was a bit complicated to use, so we returned it. Maybe when my cousin comes over I'll use her camera.

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