White Whale
Granola bar gone bad....
I just bought a Deco Art AquaVase made by Red Sea. It took me about 10 minutes how to work the filter that comes with it. I didn't know you had to put water in the filter first. ) *hehe* Anyways, this AquaVase was for my betta #16 because this one looked so nice that I did not want to intervene with him during tank cleanings. In the past I had two accidents cleaning the tanks and one of them included ripped finnage. Now he's driving me nuts because he likes to play where the filter is pouring (I had to pit it on it's lowest setting) and to squeeze himself between the tank wall and filter siphon. I wince everytime he does that and then I'll look at his fins for any signs of a tear. Is there any disciplinary action I can take so he won't risk ripping his fins? Sorry if I sound so anal about this one.