Fish Addict
My Mom is getting me a female community tank for X-mas. I've definitely wanted to start a community for a while... but I've been waiting until I move back in with my Mom so that I can cycle the tank and not have to move it with me, which will happen in January. I've selected a few tanks. I LURVE Eclipse tanks, but I have heard that the filtration is rough. Anyone have any experience with Eclipse 12's? I plan to have either 4 or 6 girls in there with a cory, fairly heavily planted with assorted live plants, and I'd prefer using sand.
The alternative to an Eclipse 12 would be a 15 long kit that I found at Petco, it includes a Whisper filter and a normal hood with a light. Or, a 10 gallon kit, but I think that might be crowded with 7 fish!
The alternative to an Eclipse 12 would be a 15 long kit that I found at Petco, it includes a Whisper filter and a normal hood with a light. Or, a 10 gallon kit, but I think that might be crowded with 7 fish!