Decisions, Decisions...


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
My Mom is getting me a female community tank for X-mas. I've definitely wanted to start a community for a while... but I've been waiting until I move back in with my Mom so that I can cycle the tank and not have to move it with me, which will happen in January. I've selected a few tanks. I LURVE Eclipse tanks, but I have heard that the filtration is rough. Anyone have any experience with Eclipse 12's? I plan to have either 4 or 6 girls in there with a cory, fairly heavily planted with assorted live plants, and I'd prefer using sand.

The alternative to an Eclipse 12 would be a 15 long kit that I found at Petco, it includes a Whisper filter and a normal hood with a light. Or, a 10 gallon kit, but I think that might be crowded with 7 fish!
Go with the Petco one.
I've heard some weird stories about exclips's, and they seem to just be too much money.
I hate the look of the exclips, which is funny because I like the NanoCube.
If you have a broken filter in the exclips, get ready to pay a lot. Since the filter is 'built in', you'd need to replace the whole hood.
I actually have 7 girlies in my 10g. It wasn't supposed to be that way but you know how things go...I have 5 of Synirr's girls and 2 from when I joined the IBC, well I didn't have anywhere for the 2 IBC girlies so into the 10g they went! I have never had a problem though, as long as they're are lots of plants and hidey spots they should be fine. It has been running this way successfully for 7 months now, and I've never seen any signs of aggression. (I think having spawn siblings really does help)
Good luck and as always...we demand pictures when it's done!!!
I agree w/ Splash. . .

Just piece together a 10gal tank for the sorority. Or buy a starter kit which includes a HOB, and all that good stuff - you might have to just get a heater. . but it's a start. :)
:look: well, I just went over to my Mom's house and guess what was sitting under the tree? An Eclipse 12! It was wrapped in a big wrapping bag, but I can tell what it is. I guess she had already bought it before I told her I'd rather get a 20 long.

Sooo, for my next question, has anyone successfully kept a female community in an Eclipse? Anyone have current-killing advice? I would just return it for a 20 long, but I'd feel really bad about it. heh, thanks for all of the good advice, you guys... I know I'm annoying ^.^
I would just suggest that you return it, if it's not what you want.

Just tell her you did some further research and you discovered how expensive it would be to replace parts for that tank should they go out. That way she won't feel like you"didn't like it" but instead you are trying to be frugal. ;) ;) (9 out of every 10 Mom's agree, they like that trait in their children lol)

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