decided on my next community =)


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
i've decided on my next community tank. i'm being quite specific with everything about it, too ^^

size? 10 US gallons
lighting? two 9 watt mini-spiral bulbs
heating? 25 watt heater
filtration? 10-20 gallon Mini-Filter
gravel? 5 pounds of black Hagen gravel, 5 pounds of red Hagen gravel; mixed
plants? 15 assorted silk plants ranging from 6" to 10"
decorations? one blue-and-white large, flat, standing clay stone with holes punched into it
fish? three corydoras (unsure which subspecies) one male swordtail, three female swordtails

what do you think? it'll be standing on an old TV stand/small book case that's moving into my room. the tank will probably only happen around Christmas though, as a new Betta is coming and he needs his digs first! ^^
yeah i bought 2 for my comunity tank and now have about 20
yes, i took the breeding into account ^^ the woman at the pet store says she'll gladly buy back any baby swordtails at 1-2 dollars and resell them. plus, if i get too many, my dad might fork over the 50 gallon ~^
Sounds great, BettaBoyz :nod:

If I might make a suggestion, though, it would be that you look into getting a heater with a higher wattage. What I was taught about heaters is that a 100 watt heater will maintain the water temperature better while running less. This means that it will last longer. :D
1-2 bucks for a sword!? That's a sweet deal! Definately get them!
BettaBoyz said:
yes, i took the breeding into account ^^ the woman at the pet store says she'll gladly buy back any baby swordtails at 1-2 dollars and resell them. plus, if i get too many, my dad might fork over the 50 gallon ~^
you might want to make sure she will buy them as babies, the fish stores around here want them to be atleast an inch in lenght. and if they are bigger than that you get more for them.

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