Deathly Ill Girl


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
I recently purchased a beautiful veiltail from Wal-Mart and overnight he came down with a horrific case of fungus. It killed him in only a day and during the last part of his life I was treating him and even lifting his head out of the water with a spoon to see if he would take a breath every few minutes. I didn’t want him to give up, but he did. I have a female with something that looks like fungus on her mouth and around her head. Nowhere else. What is the different between cotton mouth, mouth fungus, and body fungus? Are they all the same? Does the treatment for one not work with the other.

I’m hoping my girl will make it. If she makes it through the night, I’m going to the store to get her different medication. She’s a fighter; I will be so pleased if she survives. (All this medication for new fish really drains my wallet BTW, I’m sure you know what I mean) I’ve taken the chance of mixing meds since she was looking so bad. Can’t really do her any worse than she was. In fact, I think she’s improving (slowly). I’m really hoping she’ll make it. She’s upright, she was floating on her side earlier. And she swims a little all by herself. And she's taking breaths by herself. I was tapping it earlier ever few minutes and she would take a gulp of air when I tapped.

Anyone have ay advice on a medication that cat really knock out fungus FAST?
My fish get fungus A LOT. I know what you mean, it's a really horrible thing to deal with. But this stuff works really well. This and aquarium salt are my best friends. :)

It's called Fungus Clear and it's made by Jungle Labs. You can get it at Wal-Mart and Petco. I hope she gets better, good luck.

Edit: It runs about $3.50 for one box which contains 8 tabs. 1 tab treats 10 gallons.
Auratus said:
My fish get fungus A LOT. I know what you mean, it's a really horrible thing to deal with. But this stuff works really well. This and aquarium salt are my best friends. :)

It's called Fungus Clear and it's made by Jungle Labs. You can get it at Wal-Mart and Petco. I hope she gets better, good luck.

Edit: It runs about $3.50 for one box which contains 8 tabs. 1 tab treats 10 gallons.
Yes. That is a really good stuff. I prefer using this one than melafix or others. All betta owner should get this for sure. :) If you see something is not right, use this as soon as possible. :D I added Indian almond leaf solution too and they are perfect combination. I save my Red Sulthasine halfmoon male. And now he is ready and wanting to breed again with a new female next door. LOL :D
Good to know, good to know. Now she just has to make it through the night on what I've got her.

EDIT - She died while I was at the store getting her new meds. *Hangs head in sorrow*
Oh, I'm sorry about your Bettas. In my opinion fungus is worse than dropsy- I've had fish live through dropsy, but never fungus. Don't feel bad that you couldn't save her, feel good that you gave her a good home while she was alive.
Oh... sorry to hear that. Don't feels bad. At least you know now. Makesure to clean you tank real good this time before new betta. :)

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