Well, I started my first marine tank.
It's a 20g tank with 20lbs of fully cured live rock. The tank is fully cycled.
I tried adding a sick fire fish as my first fish (I work at Big Als, I was trying to nurse him back) but he unfortunately died.
So I bought a 6 line wrasse (healthy) but then it died 2 days later. I dripped the 6 line for about an hour.
The tank levels are all fine ammonia, nitries, nitrates, ph, etc. I use decholrinated tap water though.
The weird thing is, I have like 7 dwarf blue leg hermit crabs in there which should be much much more sensitive to water conditions but they are all thriving.
So what is killing my fish? Can phosphate kill my fish or copper? Is it possible that my tap water (yes, I should use RO water) contain phosphate or copper?
But my hermit crabs are alive!
Lets hear some tips.
It's a 20g tank with 20lbs of fully cured live rock. The tank is fully cycled.
I tried adding a sick fire fish as my first fish (I work at Big Als, I was trying to nurse him back) but he unfortunately died.
So I bought a 6 line wrasse (healthy) but then it died 2 days later. I dripped the 6 line for about an hour.
The tank levels are all fine ammonia, nitries, nitrates, ph, etc. I use decholrinated tap water though.
The weird thing is, I have like 7 dwarf blue leg hermit crabs in there which should be much much more sensitive to water conditions but they are all thriving.
So what is killing my fish? Can phosphate kill my fish or copper? Is it possible that my tap water (yes, I should use RO water) contain phosphate or copper?
But my hermit crabs are alive!
Lets hear some tips.