Hi, wonder if anyone could throw any light on why my sons amano shrimp died. He wasn't fully grown but one night my son noticed that it had gone a redish/pinky colour. The little guy was quite merrily chomping away on some food when suddenly he went belly up and died!! Bizarre! My sons water stats are fine, The only other tanks mates are two platties and two albino cories (and 3 other amano shrimps, which are fine). All have lived together happily for months. Any ideas??
Aw, Little Shrimpy!
Maybe he ate something that didn't agree with him? Rotten food etc.? (Not implying that your tank is messy, just saying he might have held food in his stomach for too long...)
Thanks for reply SPLiSH, mmm maybe you're right can't think of any other reason for his death, amazing how fishy people can get so attached to something as tiny as a shrimp but my son was quite gutted that he pegged out!