Death By Dyeing?


New Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Hi, I'm new to the group and I noticed alot of people had a Death By banner in thier sig. I tried to get on a couple of times but last night I finally got in. I had never thought about it being dangerous to the fish. I thought the Humane Society or someone like that wouldn't let it into the states. Granted there was only one breed I had ever heard of; the Painted Glassfish. The reason I am posting though, is to ask about a breed I didn't see on there that I thought WERE dyed, Neon Tetras. Dyed or not? I appreciate any help on the matter.
I just went there for the first time. I've never seen a dyed fish before, except maybe once. My friend had candy tetras. They looked like Gold Skirt Tetras except that they had a pink-orange stripe. Dyed or not? And who the heck came up with the idea of dying fish? Fish are beautiful just the way they are! If their natural color isn't enough for you...too bad! Ya know? Dyed fish look so gaudy. Ew. Poor fishies :(
That's cool thta the Neons are natural. Too bad about the rest. I never really heard of Dyeing, but I figured there was something done to the Neons. I couldn't get over how long the list was though. There was like at least 20-30 breeds on there. Kinda sad that they bread some of the fish in that list specifically for dyeing. Well, Good Luck to the Death by Dyeing dude, sounds like it's pretty bad!
>>> My friend had candy tetras. They looked like Gold Skirt Tetras except that they had a pink-orange stripe.

Very probably painted/dyed.

>>> And who the heck came up with the idea of dying fish

Some money grabbing sod with no regard for his stock, but an eye for a marketting opportunity that people would buy into.

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