Dear Santa


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
Dear Santa,

I know this is early but as the season kicks off here in the US on thrusday I figured that I had better get this out to you soon!!!!

My 10 friends and I wish but only a few things this Christmas.

1. we wish that you help Juan get off his butt and do his fish room so that we can all see each other

2. we hope that you can get some really good krill. the stuff he gives us is broken down to little peices and dust.

3. a pink convict female to help huego make babies. he so darn randy that he would probably mate with a plastic plant if he could. plus we could really use the chase going after all the feeders.

well Santa thats our list for this year.

Bert, Gertrude, Oliver, Dude, Aries, Thanatos, Whatsitsface, Thing 1, Thing 2, and Huego
:rofl: That's actually a pretty short list. I'm afraid my fishes' list would be longer especially asking for more food. I think my bettas would eat a full pack of food all at once if I put it in there.
hahaha you have such a good brain to make a topic like this i havnt laffed all day haha this has got me going. hahahaha

1. bigger tank
2. more room
3. stop forgetting to turn our lights on
4. feed us better than flakes and occasion bloodworms
5. More decorations
6. more people to visit and watch us display our beautiufllness ;)
7. More fidhy friends!
8. stop the mean dog barking at us
9. stop the mean looking cat from peering into our tank and purring at us
10. give us more attention!
:eek: you probably want to mail that to santa's home.
Dear :santa: ,

My wish is simple. All I want is a magic elf that permanently changes 25% of my water in all three of my tanks every week.
...oh I almost forgot. I would like a Mini Cooper S as well.

Thank you,

I will have milk and Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Snacks next to the fireplace.
I could use one of those magic elves as well, Gazoo :lol:
1.Stop having the dog putting his paws up on the glass and looking like hes going to eat us :sad:
I just came back from the North Pole and I'm happy to report Santa is working on your list! :nod:
Does Santa have fishies?

Oh my goodness, I just thought of something - something HUGE!
Sooo monumental, you'll never believe it.
This is such a hard question, I don't think we'll ever know!
Oh dear...

Do our fish call santa 'santa' or do they call him....*dramatic music strikes up*...'father christmas'?? :eek: :eek: :eek:
I just came back from the North Pole and I'm happy to report Santa is working on your list!

:devil: Santa doesn't live in North Pole. He lives here in Finland, in Korvatunturi. :devil:

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