Sooo, as I did vaguely expect, the move from yeast-based CO2 to pressurised resulted in a few days with unstable CO2 levels whilst I got the bubble count right etc for the new setup. Last week at water change I removed a reasonable amount of cabomba which got pretty infested with algae, it did leave a noticeable gap in the planting cover which probably didn't help either!
CO2 is now stable, the drop checker (4dkh water, bromo blue) shows a good green colour throughout the lighting period. EI dosing is still going on as 'normal' for my size of tank (15-gallon) and the weekly 50% water change is always happening on schedule. 2.5wpg on for 8 hours per day.
Many plants now have a light covering of hair/thread/fuzz algae (based on ThePlantedTank descriptions!) and I have the odd patch of cladophora.
I am using a toothbrush occasionally to rake out any bad patches, I am also adding a fair amount more biomass (rotala rotundifolia and some more nanjenshan) today. Pearling is pretty good, most plants have some form of bubble stream and/or noticeable bubbles on the leaf surface. I'll admit to adding the normal amount of Flourish Excel over the past few days, I'm hoping the few days of unstable CO2 are the only cause of this outbreak, and the now stable levels should curb things.
Does my current course of action seem reasonable? Anyone got any further suggestions or do I keep going and see how it progresses?
CO2 is now stable, the drop checker (4dkh water, bromo blue) shows a good green colour throughout the lighting period. EI dosing is still going on as 'normal' for my size of tank (15-gallon) and the weekly 50% water change is always happening on schedule. 2.5wpg on for 8 hours per day.
Many plants now have a light covering of hair/thread/fuzz algae (based on ThePlantedTank descriptions!) and I have the odd patch of cladophora.
I am using a toothbrush occasionally to rake out any bad patches, I am also adding a fair amount more biomass (rotala rotundifolia and some more nanjenshan) today. Pearling is pretty good, most plants have some form of bubble stream and/or noticeable bubbles on the leaf surface. I'll admit to adding the normal amount of Flourish Excel over the past few days, I'm hoping the few days of unstable CO2 are the only cause of this outbreak, and the now stable levels should curb things.
Does my current course of action seem reasonable? Anyone got any further suggestions or do I keep going and see how it progresses?