Dealing w/ Non-Fish People


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2004
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Maryland, U.S.A.
My Dad is driving me crazy!!!! I'm doing everything I can not to tell him to go you know what himself. He thinks I'm spending all my time and money on fish. He gets pissed because I spend money on my fish. He gets pissed because I buy another fish tank. He gets pissed because I have to get my mom to drive me all the way to PETsMART to just get medication for my sick fish. He thinks I can put 20 big fish in my little 15 gallon. He wants to recarpet the living room soon, which means we have to move everything, including the fish tank. So he tells me I have to drain it. I try to explain to him that I can't and will not do that but I just end up yelling "I hate living with people who don't know crap about fish!" at the dinner table. What am I supposed to do? I'll drain 50% and no more. I'm not gonna mess up everything I've been working on and spending money on. What do people do that have to move? Help me before he decides to take matters into his own hands!

On top of everything of my puffers died and 3 of my fish are sick. AHHHHH!
but really a 15g with 50% out wont be that heavy.

sounds like your young, too.
as long as you live in your fathers house his rules
I hear you loud and clear.....believe-me-you!

As long as you can get someone to help you move should be okay!!

Can you put it up in your room maybe?? Then the move from out in the living room to into your room won't seem that bad!! :D

Sorry you are down on such a MAGNIFICIENT night!!!! :(
I just recently moved 35 tanks ranging in sizes from 10g up to 170. Keep as much of the water as possible and move really fast. The beneficial bacteria will survive up to 24 hours without the filters running as long as theyre kept submerged.
I moved 5 gallon and 10 gallon tanks across town and managed to do alright. I drained most of the water out, left enough to keep the gravel and filters wet, moved the fish in their water and as much water as I could move with them, set them up and all was fine.

The tricky part is when I go to move two 30 gallon tanks, the 10, 5 and 3 Bettas in their own containers to my own place once I get one set up again. Fortunately I shouldn't have to be in any hurry and can do them one at a time.

Fortunately, no one I know really gives me any crap about the fish like your dad does, though if I was living with my parents, that'd probably be different. They were always on me about being on the computer but that online time was not wasted. I learned a lot and it was beneficial. The same can be said for my keeping fish as it landed me a job.

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