Dead Snail?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2010
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For the past two days i had a floating trapdoor snail and it smelled HORRIBLE its trapdoor was still shut is it dead?if it isnt then its probably dead now its been out for 2 hours of water :sad:
If it really stunk, then it's dead. Once you've smelled a dead snail, you never forget it. It's revolting.
definitely dead if it's oozing smelly juice. Live snails of any kind are absolutely odourless. However, snals can survive for days out of water rif kept damp. I;ve had several kinds posted in damp tissue and they were fine on arrival.
The smell can be somewhat related to rotten eggs, however I've never had such a gag relfex from rotten eggs than what I had from smelling my dead apple snail.

Mine died after a week randomly in my tank, however the snail I got at the same time is fine. This one floated for 2 days and was still alive then it was seen moving around around the tank for the third day and then all of a sudden it stopped moving. Gave it another day, took it out and the smell was... :sick: threw it straight into the bin. The other snail is still alive and well.

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