Dead Shrimp! :-(


Fish Fanatic
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Essex, england
My rock shrimp died today :no: . I wondered if anyone could give me an insight as to why as i wish to get replacements.
I think it is to do with it shedding its shell. When it was first introduced to the tank it was doing very well feeding all the time, then it was very still for 2 days, then it shed, the next day it was on the substrate then it was dead. No signs of death on the body. It was completely intact as was the old shell. :-(

Was it the exhaustion of shedding?
I know they are more vunerable after shedding until the new one hardens up. My corys were mating :hey: is it possible he got crushed? What a way to go! :sick:

Please help before i get more!
it could be the corys or it could be that cherry shrimp are really sensitive to changes in the water. how often and how big are your water changes?

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