Dead Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2007
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Last night I got home to discover one of my Amano Shrimp had died. Or I think so. I got two a week ago and I thought they were both doing great.

I'm sure that it's not his shell (I know they shed them from time to time). I thought perhaps he's in the process of shedding it, so I left it over night and he was in exactly the same spot...only pink.

Is there a reason for this or does this just happen from time to time?

think they turn pink when dead, maybe it got attacked whilst trying to shed skins, what else do you have in the tank?
I've got 3 Yellowtail Rasboras, 6 guppies, 2 young Ancistrus and one other Amano shrimp. So I can't imagine who attacked him. Incidently, I just got home to find one of my guppies in an awful state. It looks like his tail was sucked into the filter. His tail has been stripped along with about 1/3 of his body. I've placed him in a floating breeding cage to get some peace and so I can put a little food under his nose. I can't imagine any of these fish attacking each other.

Strange times in my tank I think

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