Dead Plec


Fish Gatherer
Jun 1, 2004
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Weve had a giby plec for months ,saw it every day,saw it on saturday eating its cucumber,then it vanished :( I kept waiting for it to come out ,so i just moved stuff around in the tank,i found its skeleton behind an ornament , just its bones :sad: I don't know why it died,never saw anything like that before .
Can't think why it died. :-(
Justa thought...but for the brief time that i had my giby hr did a heck of alot of digging....Could he have possibly wedged himself in and couldn't get out?? Sorry for your loss :(
It may have been internal parasites which is common in plecs.

I got a sailfin and week after i bought it it died, yet it had been stock in the fish shop for months, the owner replaced it for me.

You have to watch out for sunken bellies, when i was catching 1 up for c ustomer the other day I spotted 1 with a sunken belly and avoided it.

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