Dead Mollie


New Member
Jan 24, 2003
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As a follow on from the "Mollies in Distress" topic, my Dalmation Mollie is looking very bad!

As I said it had been showing very odd behaviour and now it has a thing on it's fin which looks like a piece of cotton wool and has stopped eating. I think it may be on it's last legs. :(

The details of the tank are in my reply to the "Mollies in Distress" topic.

I am a bit worried as I don't really want to end up with a tank full of dead fish!!

Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi cracken;

Body Fungus is just that, fungus. It will attack your fish's skin and cause ulcers or death in extreme cases. Large amounts of organic materials such as decaying food or fish waste can cause a breakout of fungus in your aquarium. Open wounds can develop fungus. The fungi feeds by excreting digestive enzymes which if it’s on the fish, slowly digests parts of the fish. Though cured easily, if the fish doesn't get prompt treatment it will surely die. Secondary infections are also common.
Symptoms: White or grayish patches appear on the skin or gills that look like cotton or wool.
Treatment: Either purchase a treatment from your local fish/pet store specifically for fungus or buy an all round antibacterial treatment such as Melafix.

Without looking at your tank specs I'd say do a 20-30% water change and buy the medications such as melafix which in my opinion (imo) is the best.

Keep us posted :)
Thanks for the info mate.

I got back from work and the Mollie had taken early retirement :sad:

I had to go down to the aquatic centre to get my water tested today and the guy said the same. Most likely a fungal infection. He told me that I did the right thing by isolating the fish early on as it would limit the contact with other fish.

He was fairly confident that the infection wouldn't travel right through the tank but I will give the Melafix a go. Better safe than sorry!!

The other fish in the tank seem fine especially the Neon's which seem to have nearly doubled in size since I got them.

Anyway, bit of a bummer about the Mollie.

Thanks again for the advice mate.

James :)
Sorry to hear your fish died cracken, fungi tend not to be particularily contagious, I wouldn't treat the tank unless the fungi shows up on another fish as chances are after isolating the fish the tank will be pure.

What did he say your water test results were? How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change each time? Do you use a gravel vacuum?

Sorry for all the questions it is just that infections are usually caused by bad conditions and so by improving the water quality is probably the best prevention against this happening again.

Best of luck and hope to hear from you soon with some happier news :)
The guy said that the water quality was good. Up until today I didn't have any testing equipment of my own so I have been relying on the guy in the shop. It's a free service so fair play to him!

I bought a ph testing kit and a nitrite is on order.

I use a weekly water treatment called Safe Water No1 which apparently aids in the breaking down of fish waste etc ad a dechlorinator when doing water changes.

I left the tank for the ten day running in period with the heater etc on then got some Neons and let them go for a week with no water change and took the water down to get tested. While I was there that's when I bought the 2 Guppies and 2 Mollies, maybe a bit too much too soon!! The guy advised feeding one day and changing water the other for a week, 2" of water, roughly 20%.

This is the end of my third week and he's advised just twice a week, same amount of water and test the water once a week. Obviously keeping an eye on the other fish is a must but like I sad they have all been acting and looking fine. To be totally honest I may have been guilty of over feeding a bit since I read another topic on the forum and it said that if any food hits the bottom that's over feeding, well guess what?! :*)

Is a gravel cleaner a wise next purchase and if so can you give me any recommendations?

Cheers mate
James :thumbs:

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