dead mollie...cant figure it out

Mr F.ishy

New Member
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
staffordshire, uk
i checked on my mollie this morning and it had 2 missing eyes :eek: , it was fine the night before, i even checked the water, everything was at the normal level..this morning the mollie was fine, but couldnt swim so i had to put it down..i dont know why it just went like that in the night, it had no signs of pop eye the day before, any ideas why? it isnt the nitrate thats 0
I presume it could have quarrelled...however I've actually heard of fish that get pop-eye try and scratch their eyes on rocks and/or plants as you can predict this could have consequences. ;) but as you said your fish was fine...i presume he/she didn't have pop-eye
it was a white mollie...the pet shop owner said it could have been attacked, im just wondering what fish could have attacked the mollie, the fish i own are

1 Striped Raphael Catfish ( talking catfish)
1 red tail shark fish
2 kissing gouramis
1 pearl gourami
1 spanner barb
3 white mollies
If you only have one barb, it might be him (barbs are very agressive when they dont have a school) the RTBS could have done it too ( a baby one actualy ate my friends full grown sword tail) and the kissing gouramis are fairly agressive too.if you have a nasty Pearl Gourami he could have done it too. I don't know anything about Raphael catfish besiedes that they grow big and are good companions for cichlids. I doubt the mollys did it either.
it could have been a gourami. once in a pet store, i some gourami pecking a barb in the eye. it took the whole eye out and the poor fish died
My first reaction was the single barb and gourami but so can the RTBS
i was watchin the tank from a distance where they couldnt see me and its that stupid barb attacking everything, and that always has a calm temper, so im gonna say the spanner barb is guilty!

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