Dead Guppy...but Thriving Fry!


New Member
Sep 27, 2009
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One of our guppies died today :(. Pretty sure it was from ammonia poisoning due to the red gills. As soon as we noticed we went out and bought stuff for it, but when we got back it had died. We had him for 5 days and he was really healthy up until this afternoon.

Is there any reason why ammonia would change so quickly in a tank?

We did a quarter water change yesterday.

The tank is around 24 litres and has 4 cardinal tetras, 2 platys, now only 1 guppy, and a bristle-nose catfish.---o and one baby fry.

Ph is neutral, ammonia was between 0.25 and 0.5 when we tested it but we have since added ammo lock. I don't have readings for anything else

I'm not posting this in the emergency section as it isn't one-im just looking for some opinion as, while 1 guppy is dead the other is fine and the rest of the fish are thriving-especially the lil fry.

I know some fish are hardier than others and what not but the sudden change in that one guppy has me a it worried-I want to make sure im doing everything right and no more fish die
Did u get the guppy from the same place as the others???
Could be that itcame with a illness...My female is having her fry right this MIN!!!
All the fish came from the same place, except the first platy.
one platy was introduced (with another platy) and then a gourami a week later-but the gourami was crazy-stressed the platy and then when she was sick started to eat her-the platy died and we returned the gourami

so with one platy who had been in the tank 3 weeks we then introduced the tetras, 1 platy and the bristle-nose. A week after that 2 male guppies.

The 2nd Platy is about to drop very soon-hopefully they will survive-there is plenty of places to hide in the tank. Dont have the equipment to remove the pregnant ones so it is survial of the fittest unfortunately.

The surviving guppy has minimal redness which will hopefully clear up with the ammo lock- water change and stress zyme will be done tomorrow so we shall see.

Congrats on the new will have to post pics-if you can get one

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