Dead Green Tiger Barb


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Falkirk Scotland.

I wrote a couple of days ago about the TB sitting hiding by itself in my main tank was told to Isolate so only tank I have is Biorb60l so put it in there. Watched for a few days and was swimming about slowly but still looking to hide in the plants. Tonigh could not find it anywhere then saw a tail sticking out of the Media(quite chunky media for biorbs) tried to move the gravel out the way which seemed to free it but was swimming upside down no control then sunk to the bottom breathing heavily. Took it out as obvious no hope. Examined the fish but no real clues apart from the back end looked very thin compared to rest of body it was only a very young TB but still looked oddly shaped. Any Ideas? I have seven left in my main tank all seem to be ok.

Do I have to restart from scratch with the biorb or Can I put other fish in there now?

Thanks again.
Did you test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates in the 60litres tank at the time? How long did you have the barb for?
All the tests were done with the correct readings.

I bought 8 of them 10 days ago in my main tank one always looked on its own so watched for a 3-4 days then though better to Isolate. Died after 3 days in the Biorb.

Will I have to start from scratch with the Biorb?
No i wouldn't advise to start the biorb from scratch, you only really need to do that in parasite outbreaks(which i doubt your barb died of)- fish deseases are always present in the tank water, even in healthy tanks, and only become a problem when conditions in the tank suit them like if the fish are stressed or injured; if you want, you can dose the tank with a med aid called "liquisel" by Interpet, which lowers harmful bacteria/desease levels in the tank without damaging the beneficial bacteria in your tank filter, its quite handy when introducing new fish to tanks :thumbs: .
Did you notice any other symptoms in the barb apart from it hanging around on its own?
None at all Tokis apart from it was smaller than the rest. But they are only young TBs that I bought. I found it strange that i could not find it in the Biorb till I saw its tail sticking up from the media when i moved it it swan in circles and upside down. Is this swim bladder problems?
Do you know if the tiger barbs had been recently stocked at the local fish store where you got it from? Do they have any rules as far as when to sell fish after they have arived and stuff or not do you know? Fish can be in transport for up to 8hrs+ when travelling to the lfs, somtimes they simply cannot cope with then been transported and acclimatised to another tank- if it was smaller than the others it may have simply died of stress resulting from a failure to properly acclimatise to the tank like the rest or a common bacterial infection.
Just to be on the safe side i would put a half dose of pimafix or another anti internal bacterial med on the other barbs just to remove the posibility of internal bacterial infections :thumbs: .
Will never go back to LFS the fish were so cramped in the tanks also there were other Barbs covered in whitespot. Do I add the pimafix into the tank and will this be okay for the other fish that are with them?
Will never go back to LFS the fish were so cramped in the tanks also there were other Barbs covered in whitespot. Do I add the pimafix into the tank and will this be okay for the other fish that are with them?

Were the barbs you bought from the same tank with the barbs that had whitespot :unsure: ?
The pimafix will be fine with your other fish, its generally a very handy med to have around either way as it can treat internal and external bacterial infections as well as fungal ones :thumbs: .

Were the barbs you bought from the same tank with the barbs that had whitespot :unsure: ?

Sorry should have said no they were not in the same tank. Pretty awful shop. There were plecs at least 10" long in a tank that It could not even turn round in.

Thanks again

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