dead fish :(


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
staffordshire uk
i gave my fish tank a very good clean the other day , i pulled my unit away from the wall to hoover behind there and love and behold i see a pile of dryed up fish , the little buggers must have jumped out but the gap at the back of the tank is very small , clever fish or are they lol has enyone else found fish like this ? :blink:
Sorry to hear that Angel.

How many were there? Had you notice some go missing. I am dreading finding the cardial tetra that went mssing in my tank a week or so ago. I tried and tried to find it but nothing.

there were 4 all in the same place , proberly jumped from the same gap , i did notice that they were missing but i just thought that had passed away over night and been eaten by the other fish , i think they have been watching nemo becouse they are very nosey fish , they follow me all round my living room so theres nowt stopping them watching tv lol i would look behind your tank to see if your cardial tetras there as it was tetras that i found behind my tank :( :sad:
Just keep a tight fitting lid on the tank, regardless of what fish are in there. imagine if you had had hatchets!
the tank i have is pretty new only 3 months old so the lid is pretty tight , the last tank i have wasnt so tight but only had 1 fish jump out .
My brother in law had a bala shark jump out of his tank, he spend ages more than a month searching for it, first in the aquarium, filters, powerhead, sifting though the gravel, but nothing, he checked all around the floor, behind the tank, and moving proximate furniture around in the room. About a month went by or so and we decided we were going to spend the night as we'd had to much to drink... so as we were moving the sofas around we found :eek: the dried up shark :no: :byebye: it had escaped, jumped out of the tank, wandered out of his room out through into the corridor wondered down a bit took a left and inot the living room with out nobody noticing, im bad at estimating disatances but it was a fair way away!!!
My lfs has driftwood and decorations in the space under their tanks .... so while looking at a new decoration the other day I uncovered a few dried fish by surprise :crazy:

and londreana - that is the craziest and one of the saddest fish stories I've ever heard!
Oh my goodness - thats awful! at the lfs, the fish are always jumping out, they manage to get past the glass lids somehow! not too many, thankfully.

I just hate to think where the two neons got to theat went missing about 3 months ago! but my lid is so tight, theres now way they could have got out....

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