Dead Fish


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
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I have had my tank fir 8 months now, and its a Juwel Trigon 350 litre jobbie.
I have live plants, few decoration ornimants inside, using a Eiham Pro external filter & along side that a Fluval 400 external filter - both the highest end filters out there and cost a fortune.

Theres enough oxygen in the tank as a spray bar and air pump accomodates this.

Temperatue of the tank is sitting at 27*c

I have recentley changed bulbs on the tank to 2X 14000k tubes and 2 X 18000k tubes both 15watts.

Water changes (about 10 - 15%) every Sundays.

using these drops and medication - Stress zyme, Plaant growth, every week when doing the water change.

Fish in tank are - 3 Angel's (got them when they were tiny) 7 tetra neons, 3 clown loachs, 1 big silver shark, 4 small silver sharks, 1 red tail shark (small), 3 sword tails, 3 grauamis, lots (circa 20 - 28) mollies & guppies mixed, 3 tiger barbs.

Heres my issue, i have found 2 dead guppies and 1 clown loach in the last 2 weeks, whats going on? am i doing something wrong prehaps? i know its nothing HUGE but fish never usually died before
Juber, are you familiar with the nitrogen cycle? What kind of test kit do you have and what water stats are you testing? ~~waterdrop~~
Hi There, one things that pops into my head is the guppies having large colourful tails, the tiger barbs will have more than likly been fin nipping them. The stress of this can easily kill a fish. I once had 2 grean barbs (for about 3hours!) Ther wanted to nip everything they could catch, i gave them to my boyfriend who had a tank with just tiger barbs. They got on fine.

As for the clown loach im not too sure (i have never had them) but am awear that they dont have scales and are therfore very sensitive to everything. Aparenty they slightest problem in the water or change can make them ill. They are also well known for getting white spot.

hope this helps a little ;)
Thanks all!

Well yeah the fish that dies defo have a few chuks out of them so something had nibbles on them!
I mean every fish looks genuinely healthy and swim fine! They arent acting ususual in any wayu or form!

No new fish have been added....

Is there anything additionally i can add to my tank to stop stress, illness etc???

P.S: do you think i should change my gravel to sand? whats your thourghts? i like sand as it looks so much cleaner!

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