Dead Female Betta


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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My steel blue female betta had to be put to sleep this morning :-( . She had fin rott, and even though I treated it with the best meds possible, it progressed into body rott. I put her to sleep humanely. Is there any way to stop fin rott from progressing on my other fish in the future? All of my other fish but one are very healthy in clean tanks. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks ahead!

how do u humanely kill fish just wanted to know cuz i have a male betta with fin rot i posted at the top and hopefully i wont have to kill him but if i do id like to do it humanely
sorry to hear about the loss :( :rip:

most fish will recover from fin rot quite well, the key to defeating it i think is clean, good quality water :thumbs: only in extreme cases will it develop to body rot, which is really bad, and since the fish can't swim without any fins and stuff, it won't be able to eat, and generally will die evenutally on its own.

don't put ur fish down just becuase of a litlte fin rot, if you keep the water extra clean, feed some good food, add the proper salt and medication into the tank you should see recover in a week or so :thumbs:
how do u kill a fish humainly? and y? daily water changes and meds like salt and melafix should make them better within weeks. also if ur fishes fins are realy bad, like they dont have any left, then jus lower the water so that the surface isn't hard for them to get to for food.
in some cases, the fish may be better off put to sleep than having to struggle with an illness that it may never reocver from. It sounds like rarefish has already done all he could for his female betta, but nothing seems to have worked :(.

here is a link if you scroll down a bit you'll see the body rot.

anyways, there are some euthanisa links pinned somewhere in the forum, check them out if your interested in knowing how to put a fish down humanely :thumbs:
She had body rott and fin rott. She couldn't swim at all :sad: . I used just about everything possible and changed some of the water daily. I couldn't watch her struggle anymore :-( . I did it where you just put them to sleep(strong sleeping meds for animals) so that she would go peacefully :byebye: . I usually can cure fin rott, so I don't know if maybe she had something else internally wrong.
:sad: sorry to hear, i'm glad you put her to sleep using a humane way so she didn't have to suffer anymore in her last bit of life :( there could have been something else that was stopping her recovery too :-(

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