Dead dwarf puffer


New Member
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
South Wales
One of my puffers died last night.I noticed that his eyes went cloudy but he was very active.My key Holes did'nt bother him,but he did'nt eat eny food.

So what the hell went wrong(My water chem is fine no diseases or anything like that)

I also noticed his back was arched and the others was'nt.
mabey he got picked on by the others! do you have ammonia in your tank, that could be another reason for you puffers death, they are very sensitive about water quallities.
You say his back was arched, was the belly shrunken in? If so I wold guess it was suffering from internal parasites. Watch the other one to make sure the poop isn't stringy and opaque, if it is you will need to treat for internal parasites, I have had good results with Discomed for internal treatment.
:-( A.K.A ZAK-I Dont have Ammonia at all Because my other puffer would have died and so would my Key holes and I have had them for a year and a half now so it can't be that.

Pufferpack-No his mess was'nt like that and none of the others have got enything wrong with them.I have a very healthy tank so Our water is quite cleen. :nod:
well if your talking about cleaning your tank, mabey that's what kill him, you plobley keept taking out the good bacteria that's importent for good health.

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