Hi, unfortunately my Blue Crayfish passed away yesterday, I'm not sure what he died of but he had recently moulted but was refusing to eat and never touched his moulted skeleton. He was also acting pretty strange after the moult and was continually lying on his side and back. I was wondering whether anyone could help on what might have killed him. He was in a 20gal tank on his own and had been there for about 4 months. He was about 4-5 inches long and had always seemed quite active before this.
As a side point I have now put in 4 bronze cories and a rainbow shark to keep the tank mature. Should I remove the exoskeleton of the crayfish or are the fish ok to eat this? Thx in advance.
As a side point I have now put in 4 bronze cories and a rainbow shark to keep the tank mature. Should I remove the exoskeleton of the crayfish or are the fish ok to eat this? Thx in advance.