New Member
I have a fairly new 125 litre tank (2 months old) containing 10 Cardinal Tetras, 5 Pearl Danios, two small corys and I also had two larger corys. The two larger corys came from the same shop and I lost the first one after two weeks, it appeared to get some damage to the gill area and within about 2 hours of me noticing this (it was fine before this) it went noticably pale, flopped over and then died! I presumed it was damage caused by a graze or something and as I didn't even have time to think about treating the fish, I just put it down to bad luck. However this morning the exact same thing happened with the remaining larger cory, he was fine last night and then we noticed this morning that one of his gills was a bit red (as if there was some internal bleeding) and then when I added some Stress Coat to the tank I noticed he had floated to the top and was stuck to the filter, I scooped him out with a net (thinking he was dead) but found he was still breathing (just) so floated him in a bowl at the top of the tank but within about 10 minutes he was also dead! I am really concerned about what is going on here as I can't find anything in my fish books that equates to what I've seen. As I don't want this to happen to my remaining fish I would really appreciate some help or advice! Thanks!
P.S. We have been checking the water twice a week and everything is as it should be (although KH is quite high in this area) and the temperature is about 25 degrees.
P.S. We have been checking the water twice a week and everything is as it should be (although KH is quite high in this area) and the temperature is about 25 degrees.