I lost a cory today and he has a red sore on his side. This is the second one I have lost to the same type disease. The other was around the end of January and I thought I had somehow injured him doing a water change since the sore was on his back and his dorsal fin was gone. I though I hit him with the vacuum. The one last night has the same type injury except on his side and I know for sure that I didn't do this.
Below is a photo but unfortunately, it isn't real clear. Basically, it looks like an open sore but isn't bleeding. Is it some type external bacterial infection?
When I saw him semi floating this morning and took him out, I saw the sore. I put him in a 5 gallon bucket (about half full) with plenty of aeration and a heater. I also added a dose of Melafix since that was all I had. He was still alive and laying on the bottom when I got home and even as late as about 8:00. Unfortunately, I looked in about 9:00 and he was on his side dead.
A couple questions:
1) Can anyone tell me what this is? I feel certain that his tank mates didn't do it - tetras, amano shimp and ghost shrimp.
2) Should I now treat that entire tank with an antibiotic and if so, which one and how long?
As for water parameters, they are where they should be: ammonia, nitrite and phosphates = 0, nitrate about 10, pH about 6.8. This is also the tank that I am fighting some kind of brown algae problem but I don't think it is the diatoms since leaving the lights on longer made it worse. Thanks in advance for your help.
Edit: I found a website that has photos that look very much like what this fish had. The site (www.fishpalace.org/Disease.html#External) shows it under the Esternal Bacterial Infections and the 2nd, 4th and 5th pics from the left seem to be the most like what the corys had. That is a little scary since those all reference fish tuberculosis which accirding to recearch can be contracted by sticking our hands in the water.
Below is a photo but unfortunately, it isn't real clear. Basically, it looks like an open sore but isn't bleeding. Is it some type external bacterial infection?
When I saw him semi floating this morning and took him out, I saw the sore. I put him in a 5 gallon bucket (about half full) with plenty of aeration and a heater. I also added a dose of Melafix since that was all I had. He was still alive and laying on the bottom when I got home and even as late as about 8:00. Unfortunately, I looked in about 9:00 and he was on his side dead.
A couple questions:
1) Can anyone tell me what this is? I feel certain that his tank mates didn't do it - tetras, amano shimp and ghost shrimp.
2) Should I now treat that entire tank with an antibiotic and if so, which one and how long?
As for water parameters, they are where they should be: ammonia, nitrite and phosphates = 0, nitrate about 10, pH about 6.8. This is also the tank that I am fighting some kind of brown algae problem but I don't think it is the diatoms since leaving the lights on longer made it worse. Thanks in advance for your help.
Edit: I found a website that has photos that look very much like what this fish had. The site (www.fishpalace.org/Disease.html#External) shows it under the Esternal Bacterial Infections and the 2nd, 4th and 5th pics from the left seem to be the most like what the corys had. That is a little scary since those all reference fish tuberculosis which accirding to recearch can be contracted by sticking our hands in the water.