dead betta


Aug 27, 2004
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Tennessee, USA
Well i know these werent the best living conditions but my female betta was in a .25-.50 g. container for conditioning...............well this morning she is dead .... i ahve been doing dailey water changes but i forgot to yesterday i fed her bbs could this have killed her ??? also (next time) could i keep her in a 29 gal. that has salt in it (b/c of mollies) ???
sorry to hear taht she passed away :sad:

im' sorry to say but teh .25-.50G was probably the reason, also, you shouldn't feed live bbs to adults becuase the adults aer too big for it, most f the time they simply ignor it becuase it's too small. BBS is for fry only, after about 4 weeks even the smalles tfry will outgrow it.

:rip: i'm sure she was a cutie
How long have you been trying to feed her bbs? And keeping her in a 29 with other fish for conditioning is probably not a good idea. If you decide to try again, use a 1 or 2 gallon container/tank, feed her live or frozen food, or yummy Bio-Gold pellets. :rip: and good luck.
another thought is...was there a problem with the water you used for the last water change? Did you forget to dechlorinate it? Did some soap or other chemical possibly get in? Did you have lotion on your hands and then touched the water? Try to think of something like that because if she was healthy before she died, that makes me think it was something in the water change water. As asked above, how long had you been feeding her BBS, as they're much too small for an adult Betta, and if it was a long time it's possible she died from malnutrition (although I would think you would have noticed before then). The small container in itself wouldn't have killed her, especially if she was only there for conditioning. I use beanies when my adults get sick, it's less medicine that needs used and the daily water changes are much easier than a larger container.

Sorry for your loss, hopefully you can figure out what it was so it doesn't happen again :(

salt is no problem for bettas. i put salt in all of my bettas water.

baby brine shrimp or adult brine shrimp?
bbs are definately too small but mine will happily chase and eat adult brine shrimp.
i seriously doubt the bbs had anything to do with her death though.

next time-just get her a 1 gal+ tank. if you cant manage that, how will you deal with all of her fry?

sorry about your loss though. :byebye:
Well i gave her dechlorinated store bot spring water with no added chemicals like that so that isnt a the problem ........ i had fed her bbs twics in the evening and a tropical flake in the morning (she loved those :) ) i guess i will get my next female a one gallon as for fry i can hopefully hold myself back for a little while and get a nice 10 gal. when i can sex them the males will be put in large mason jars until they outgrow or are selling size ........ the fem. will be put in the 29 gal.
but what i'm confused about that is you won't be able to keep the fry in the 10g until you can sex them. Sexign comes t around 2.5 months or so, and by 2.5 months 100 or so fry will defintely outgrow the 10g.

a 1g would be good for the next femael you get, i hope it work sout, post pictures of htem if you can :D
I'm guessing that it was something else, but probably not the .25-.50 issue, as I have seen multiple bettas live in much smaller conditions..unhappy, but liveable.

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