Daydreaming About Next Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2010
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I had my appendix out last week, and the doctors told me not to lift more than 15 pounds for a month, for fear of hernia. As my job was to deliver pizza, this means a lot of free time (and I have to have a friend help me do water changes :/ ).Thank god I have some savings. Anyway, while I am lying about contributing nothing to society, I have been daydreaming about my next fishkeeping endeavor, and considering my options. My first tank was a 29g brackish setup with mollies, knight gobies, chromides, and a flounder. My next tank will most likely be about 75g, but what goes in it is very much up in the air.

Options being considered:

Large freshwater community tank: gouramis, corys, plecos, tetras, dwarf cichlids, etc. lotta small fish
Larger aggressive tank: Jack Dempsey or other larger cichlids and the like. Ornate bichir might be interesting. few larger fish, basically.
Rift lake tank: self explanatory
Bigger brackish tank: scats, monos and archers, basically. might move the flounder in there after he's grown.
EDIT: Goldfish/Coldwater: ryuken, shubunkin, etc.

Worth noting that this would be my second tank ever and possibly my first completely fresh tank. Also, the water here in AZ is naturally quite hard and fairly basic.

Just tossing this all out there for consideration. Other suggestions are quite welcome.


Jack Dempseys sound awesome, only because they are my passion in the aquatic world. :) I have a breeding pair, with the male being the ElectricBlue gene. Beautifull fish. Rewarding to keep in a species tank.

The other choice are also very interesting and sound very good.

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