Day 2 (Fluval 90 Roma)


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Kingston Upon Hull, Yorkshire
Just quick hi, i have just bought and setup my 1st ever tank with an issue with the sand clouding the water when i filled. Im sure it just clears.
Looking forward to getting some fish and looking after my new tank.
Hi, drew! Welcome to the forums! Did you rinse the heck out of your sand before putting it in your tank? Tell us more about the tank, and what kind of fish you're planning to get. Have you read through the fishless cycling thread
Hi, Thanks
I did rinse it as well as i thought i could and i have re done again this morning. it is clearer.
Im a complete newbie to this so you will have to bear with me :). i have bought a Fluval tank and cainet with Fluval heater and 110L filter. (tank is a 90ltr) I have treated with Nutrafin supplements for the water etc.
 I havent got any fish etc yet as im about 10hrs into this.Really looking forward to looking at some starter fish. just getting frustrated with the murky water (left the filter off last night to see if it would settle. I think i need to find some patient for this project.
Thanks Andy
Andy to the TFF and the wonderful world of fish keeping.
Good news is that you have not yet bought the fish :)  Plus you have found assistance by the bucket load (excuse the pun), if you wish to learn and are willing to listen in order to have a successful tank, as there are many experienced people here that will help you.  Take a look at some of the other Newbies posts and what has already been shared and learnt along the way.
Re: needing some patience for the project, you need that too by the bucket load in order to be successful and ensure your fish survive.  Otherwise you will find problem after problem with your aquarium.
Firstly, have you read the link that This Old Spouse posted for you?
Secondly, do not turn off your filter, it is needed to grow the beneficial bacteria (info., should be in the link already posted), and by turning your filter off and on you risk killing this bacteria and slowing down the process.  Give it time the tank will settle.
What are your plans for the tank?
Really looking forward to looking at some starter fish
Please do not rush out and get fish, read the information already posted, as this is the quickest way to get the environment stable for the fish to survive.
Do you have a water test kit?  I would recommend the API Freshwater Kit.
Can you add your location to your profile as it assist people advising you, as different countries have different equipment etc.
Once again,
, we look forward to sharing your journey.  Oh, and pictures are always good to share too :)  Good Luck.
Thanks for this, i have just spent the past 2 hrs reading lots of info on cycling the tank and i am far more in the know now. i was struggling to understand the cycle. we bought the tank last night under the impression we could leave for 3 days and then start introducing fish (package deal from Pets at Home). i am just going to pop out and buy a tester but they are £15 cheaper from other online stores.
We have bought the tank as its something ive always wanted to get into and we have young children (pressure to get fish!!! which i now understand is not the way forward) also who will enjoy the tank. The plan is for the family to enjoy it!!!
 It would appear i am down the road from you as i live in Hull i will update my profile.
Thanks for your help
We just love new fishkeepers who are willing to set up their tanks correctly!! It's always the first impulse to fill a brand new tank full of fish, but that always ends with lots of dead fish and frustrated keepers.
It will be beneficial in the long run to teach your children patience in cycling the tank so you can introduce a tankload once it's ready. In the meantime, you could be getting plants and decorations for the tank (plants help with the cycling process) and if you do it slowly, there can always be something new to add to the tank while you're waiting to put the fish in it.
Good luck, and keep us posted along the way!
drew7951 said:
Thanks for this, i have just spent the past 2 hrs reading lots of info on cycling the tank and i am far more in the know now. i was struggling to understand the cycle. we bought the tank last night under the impression we could leave for 3 days and then start introducing fish (package deal from Pets at Home). i am just going to pop out and buy a tester but they are £15 cheaper from other online stores.
We have bought the tank as its something ive always wanted to get into and we have young children (pressure to get fish!!! which i now understand is not the way forward) also who will enjoy the tank. The plan is for the family to enjoy it!!!
 It would appear i am down the road from you as i live in Hull i will update my profile.
Thanks for your help
Your welcome, hope I have caught you...
Firstly, are P@H offering the fish within a few days of setting up the tank, or can you get the fish anytime?
3 days is no-where enough, which I am sure you now realise.
Do not get the test-strips, but the liquid test kit, and make sure you check the expiry date.
Re: the pressure from the children, it will also now teach them patience, plus they will enjoy helping you test the water.  How old are they?  The whole family will enjoy this underwater world, but you my friend will probably need to slow them all down and do a lot of the hard work ;)
A post that will help you is Complete Newbie by Articfox, as he is on the same journey, but alas got three fish and is now having to do loads of water changes.  Like you though he is doing great, and learning lots along the way.  Hopefully his post will help you, as you can see the journey he has been on, and is still undergoing.
Do you know which tank you have?
Ah yes, Hull very close.  Good luck with it all.
I can get them whenever, they just suggested 3 days to get tank ready. i am looking at the liquid tester yes.
I have the Fluval 90 Roma.
Ah, I dream of a world where LFS staff show newbies how it's really supposed to be done. 
Hi Andy,
can I recommend you post this in your original post rather than start a new topic, that way everyone has all the history together in order to assist you further.
I would then recommend a Moderator may wish to delete this topic?
I will answer you in your original topic HERE
Day 2 (Fluval 90 Roma) Started by drew7951, Today, 08:24 AM
Ok Day 2, still a bit cloudy.
I would say, still keep your filter on and give it chance, or do a 20% water change to assist it, of course gently, so as not to disturb the gravel.  Do you have any filter wool in your filter?
Can you tell us what filter you have please?
What media came with your filter? It could be a good idea to add some sort of filter wool/polishing pad to help if you haven't got one.

And welcome to the forum!

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