Fish Crazy
I know what every one is saying OMG you cant do that!
But wait, hear me out.
and this is by no means a solution fix or advice
I figured I'd try him out in the community, I felt the single 6 gallon wasnt big enough for him and the snails were getting way out of hand in the community, I was starting to see ammonia from the population boom and I was removing about 15 per day in addition to what i was feeding him so I removed a section of regular good old gravel out of the community tank (about 1/4th) and replaced it with black moon sand, rearranged the furniture in the community, left the Dwarf gaurami nest intact, and moved the DP from the puffer tank (the right way) to the community along with some of his furnature, I then moved the two coryadoras from the community to the puffer tank (which i will probably be donating to the neigbor).
The DP is actually quite timid, when he first entered the tank the female honey dwarf kept "fealing" him up and he really didnt react to it at all as he was so pre-occupied with the abundance of snails, he generally stays where the sand is (on the opposite side of the guarami nest) the male gaurami is so pre-occupied on establishing a nice bubble nest that he rarely leaves it. When the DP approached the gauarmi nest the male chased him away with his "fealers", he hasnt gone back yet.
The neons seem to be able to wander from side to side with out any problems from both the gauramis' and DP's zones and apeare comfortable as they dont really shoal tightly at all
and finally the Oto's as always arent bothered from anyone.
the DP seems pretty happy as within hours of the move he was wandering about his tail fin expanding from time to time.
now current stock list in community
2 Honey Dwarf Gauramis
5 Neon Tetras
3 Otociclids
1 Dwarf Puffer
It will be staying this way as it seems stable and dont want to throw anything out of wack even though I'm well under the In. per gallon rule.
and of course I will be keeping an eye on everyone and at the first sign of trouble he can go back.
But wait, hear me out.
and this is by no means a solution fix or advice
I figured I'd try him out in the community, I felt the single 6 gallon wasnt big enough for him and the snails were getting way out of hand in the community, I was starting to see ammonia from the population boom and I was removing about 15 per day in addition to what i was feeding him so I removed a section of regular good old gravel out of the community tank (about 1/4th) and replaced it with black moon sand, rearranged the furniture in the community, left the Dwarf gaurami nest intact, and moved the DP from the puffer tank (the right way) to the community along with some of his furnature, I then moved the two coryadoras from the community to the puffer tank (which i will probably be donating to the neigbor).
The DP is actually quite timid, when he first entered the tank the female honey dwarf kept "fealing" him up and he really didnt react to it at all as he was so pre-occupied with the abundance of snails, he generally stays where the sand is (on the opposite side of the guarami nest) the male gaurami is so pre-occupied on establishing a nice bubble nest that he rarely leaves it. When the DP approached the gauarmi nest the male chased him away with his "fealers", he hasnt gone back yet.
The neons seem to be able to wander from side to side with out any problems from both the gauramis' and DP's zones and apeare comfortable as they dont really shoal tightly at all
and finally the Oto's as always arent bothered from anyone.
the DP seems pretty happy as within hours of the move he was wandering about his tail fin expanding from time to time.
now current stock list in community
2 Honey Dwarf Gauramis
5 Neon Tetras
3 Otociclids
1 Dwarf Puffer
It will be staying this way as it seems stable and dont want to throw anything out of wack even though I'm well under the In. per gallon rule.
and of course I will be keeping an eye on everyone and at the first sign of trouble he can go back.