Dawn Tetras


New Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Has anyone had any bad experiences with Dawn Tetras?? I have a group of 7 that are terrorizing a group of 5 platys in a 20 gallon tank. The tetras are so bossy that the platys are hiding in the corners and only swim around at feeding time. Any suggestions as to what would make better tank mates for them???
No suggestions?? Was thinking of maybe some tiger barbs. Maybe I should see if the LFS will take them back!
If by "dawn tetra" you mean Paraguay get rid of them. They're kinda cool looking but they're jerks and will eventually fight each other and won't school. When I was working at a LFS we ordered them and they nipped and chased everything in the tank so we isolated them. I'd say we had about 10 to 15. Then they picked at each other until there was only one left and he held his own with small piranhas for months. Finally a buddy took him to put in a super small tank. They kinda remind me of a tiny exodon in behavior.
Yeah, thats the kind I mean. I have seen them under different names. Everything from 3 spot tetras to Paraguay tetras. I saw some pix of dawn tetras and thats another name for them.
Now that I have them it is a problem. They are also fighting with each other like you said. Not sure what to do with them.
That's a tough one. If you have some loyalty to them you can try splitting them up or giving them back to your LFS. If you have a big tank you might get away with one or two. They might get nippy but with enough fish it might not be a problem.

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