Dawn Tetra & Tank Mates


New Member
Mar 14, 2012
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Was wondering if Congo tetra were a suitable tank mate for Dawn tetra? Already have Dawn tetra & Corydoras in a 215 Aqua One 980 tank. Don't want to buy Congo tetra if they won't be happy.

Thanks for any help.
what size (litres of gallons) is that tank? 215L?

how many of the Dawn's do you have already and are there any other tank mates?
It is 215 litres and I have 9 Dawn tetra & 5 Corydoras. It is fairly well planted and has a cave and some bogwood.
As in the fiesty Aphyocharax paraguayensis? An excellent tankmate is Corydoras hastatus, which the tetras will leave alone, as they think the catfish are "built like tank" versions of themselves.
Yes they are the Aphyocharax paraguayensis, and yes they are very fiesty!! I got them because the guy in the fish shop said that they would be ok to keep with anything as long as they were't slow swimmers. I had some Zebra danios in there but have moved them out into my other tank because they were being terrorised.

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