Dave's First Marine Tank

salty dave

New Member
Jan 23, 2012
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So I've finally taken the plunge and started taking steps towards a marine tank.This will be a slow process for me as I plan on taking my time.I emptied the tank and tonight I removed my DIY background(easier than expected)
Hopefully at the weekend I'll get the tank outside,cleaned and drilled.I have ordered diamond bits so hopefully I have them by the weekend.I am planning on drilling the bottom of tank for an 1.25" overflow with a .75" backup overflow and a .75" supply.I have made a list of pipe,fittings and valves I need to fit sump.I am planning on using clear PVC pipe and fittings in display tank and not fitting a weir box (not sure how this will look).I have a rio 125 empty so I'm planning on making a sump out of that.Thats it for now I'll update this as I progress (slowly ha ha)

Tank as it was

Tank empty

Removing background

First post was last week and this is todays progress.
So I have made a small bit of progress,things are moving slowly but i'll get there.I am moving the tank from one room to another so there is furniture to be changed/moved/bought to keep herself happy!!!

So I have tank in the room it's gonna stay,so its time to cut out a square int the plastic surround that comes with a juwel tank

Hole marked and a little dam built around it with blu tack

fill the dam with water,start drilling and hope you dont hear the crack of glass

Not so long later 3 holes and a clean tank

next step is to sort a sump.I'll probably use a rio 125 I have for this and sell the cabinet and hood/lights off it.I will also have to modify the cabinet to take the sump.I have 2"x2" timber ready for this.Thats it for now
Looking good! You are so much braver than me! Going the whole hog thats for sure! Its got to be good being able to do DIY stuff! Im great and dismanteling, breaking, unpacking things but can do it the other way round.

Dont think my nerves would hold for drilling glass either! Had to shut my eyes when friend was drilling my tanks for me!

Clear pipe without a weirbox sounds interesting, though it will never stay clear/clean... you'll get a build up of algae and crud thats impossible to get off and without draining the tank right down, will be impossible to change pipe. Will mean you can see when they need cleaning... but if you get calcerous algae you wont be able to get it off lol.

Look forward to next update!
Me too! This is a great start and it's nice to see that you are starting off with a nice, big tank!

Yes, MBOU, drilling scares me too. :unsure: Hehe, it's picos and nanos for me!

What's the planned stocking?
Looking good! You are so much braver than me! Going the whole hog thats for sure! Its got to be good being able to do DIY stuff! Im great and dismanteling, breaking, unpacking things but can do it the other way round.

Dont think my nerves would hold for drilling glass either! Had to shut my eyes when friend was drilling my tanks for me!

Clear pipe without a weirbox sounds interesting, though it will never stay clear/clean... you'll get a build up of algae and crud thats impossible to get off and without draining the tank right down, will be impossible to change pipe. Will mean you can see when they need cleaning... but if you get calcerous algae you wont be able to get it off lol.

Look forward to next update!

thanks MBOU,the drilling is easier than you think once you have a groove started in the glass it's easy.The whole clear pvc idea is scrapped and I'm going with 2x 1" overflows and 1x1" return hard piped at the back of the tank.I plan on having ball valves on the overflows to regulate flow and a non-return on the supply.
Me too! This is a great start and it's nice to see that you are starting off with a nice, big tank!

Yes, MBOU, drilling scares me too. :unsure: Hehe, it's picos and nanos for me!

What's the planned stocking?

Thanks for your comment,with regards to stocking I am not 100%.I will be going very slowly with this,I will probably have it running with just live rock for a good while before anything goes in.I imagine I'll start with a pair of clowns.Then long term I'd like to start adding corals,I only have couple of T5's at the moment so I'll be a bit limited in that sense untill I can upgrade the lighting.
Me too! This is a great start and it's nice to see that you are starting off with a nice, big tank!

Yes, MBOU, drilling scares me too. :unsure: Hehe, it's picos and nanos for me!

What's the planned stocking?

Thanks for your comment,with regards to stocking I am not 100%.I will be going very slowly with this,I will probably have it running with just live rock for a good while before anything goes in.I imagine I'll start with a pair of clowns.Then long term I'd like to start adding corals,I only have couple of T5's at the moment so I'll be a bit limited in that sense untill I can upgrade the lighting.

Do FOWLR until you can get your lighting situated.

This is looking great! Love the pictures. I am watching with excitement!

I dropped off a 125L tank today to get baffles put in for my sump,so I got to work on the cabinet.This was the bit I was dreading the most!! But it came together ok I think.I cut out the inner sections so the tank can fit and reinforced with 50x50 timber.

How it was

uprights in and inner sections cut


I removed the original juwel screws from the end panel and replaced with angle brackets on the inside so that if the sump ever has to come out it wont be impossible

The doors didn't close properly now but I have moved the hinges forward and it is a lot bettter now


I also sprayed the back of the tank black

where it is now,I will be cutting the back panel I removed to fit the centre section and I have magnetic catches to hold it on

What make is the cabinet? You might be able to pick up a spare cabinet door quite easily and might make access easier for sump with three doors insteadof having to pull off the front panel you are making?
What make is the cabinet? You might be able to pick up a spare cabinet door quite easily and might make access easier for sump with three doors insteadof having to pull off the front panel you are making?

I know what you mean it's a juwel cabinet,but I'd still have to cut that door down too

I just done a dry mock up of my pipework tonight,I'm short a couple of elbows,a NRV for supply and a sump!!!! Picking sump up tomorrow so I'll probably fix pipework then..



so I am now the proud owner of some pet rocks!!!




today's update

Ammonia .25
ph 8.1
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.0
salinity 1.024

Im intrigued by your set up I cant wait to see it progress

And Im also envious of your bravery with the glass cutting and pipework :good:

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