

Boss Major
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
San Francisco/San Jose, CA
I was thinking about getting a single dat that is about 2 inches long and putting them in a 10 gallon for about a year and swapping out for a 20-30 for another year. I will be upgrading about like 10 gallons every year. I am hoping it will get to about 8 inches by the time i get out of college and i might trade it in or i might just keep it if i have a place to keep it. Do you guys think this would work out?
I dont think that would work out, they're slow growing to a certain extent, but a ten gallon for a year? i think not.
guess ill have to wait till i get out of college then :lol: Are you sure it will get to 6" in one year? My lfs had some indo dats for almost year, and they barely grew an inch. They werent for sale until last month.
A datnoid getting 6" in the first year? I've had mine for a while (at least around 4-5 months) and he's only grown about an inch (from about 3").
4 inches of growth in 12 months isnt a lot to expect, i'd be worried if they wasnt growing 1/3rd of an inch (8mm) per month.

As a starter tank for dats i wouldnt go below 30g which will house a single fish until it reaches about 8" after which a 75 or larger is needed.
A datnoid getting 6" in the first year? I've had mine for a while (at least around 4-5 months) and he's only grown about an inch (from about 3").

You also think yours in a pulcher!!!!! Dats should get to about5-6" in a year.
Well excuse me if I'm not as freakin' perfect as you are. Get off my back, I made one mistake. I'm just telling Dorkhedeos how large mine has gotten since I bought it.

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