do you know the AT/silver tiger is meant to be kept in brackish water
tigers i don't like to call them Dat have been a passion of mine for near 10 years now
the silver tiger is the only type i have never kept because i don't keep a brackish water tank
ST = Siamese tiger the real deal also know as wide bar i have a close to 20 inch one now
NTT = North Thia tiger also know as thin bar i have a 8 inch one now
NGT = New Guinea tiger i have a 5 inch one now
IT = Indo tiger don't have any
they all have their good points and bad points apart from ST
NTT suffer from sudden death but they do great in groups
NGT are the most aggressive of all tigers you can only keep one per tank
IT very hard to get looking good are normally black or have unstable colour
ST are very expensive and are thought to be near extinct in the wild
Hear a picture of my bad boy ST