Darting & Heavy Breathing


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Toronto, Ont.
hi guys, i have a bit of a problem... my newest addition, the doctor, is acting kinda strange!

he's been darting around his bowl a lot and breathing relatively heavy... except.... he's been eating and every time i go near the bowl to look at him, he calms down... i wonder what it could be that is causing him to flip out all the time??

i'm thinking about changing his water and treating him with pimafix to see if it might be a bacterial/fungal infection... i really do hope he's ohk.

any suggestions???
no suggestions, your doing the right thing, i would say he is stressed, a classic sign is heavy breathing, some hide or lay on the base of the tank and some freak out
I have been getting the same thing for a little while. The General eats well and seems ok. He does dart around when I go and say hi to him. Then kind of calms down when I am not near his tank...He is in the middle of a good case of fin rot, so I am not sure if when he darts, he is stressed or just happy to see me. I hope the latter. :hyper:
thanks for the advice, i'm glad that my thoughts were right....

i added some pimafix into the water... and he seems to have calmed down a bit so i'm glad b/c his constant darting was worrying me
Draco was exactly the same at first. He would freak out when the light went on or when I opened the lid to feed him and then sit at the bottom gasping. Now he's at the top and jumping out the water for his food as soon as he see's me open the lid. It just takes a little time for them to settle sometimes.

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