Darn Fisheses


Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida, USA
first spawn atemt for these 2

female ....



after almost 3 hours, i noticed over 200 eggs, then male got stupid and ate most. so i removed him. and tryed to atrificially hatch them, but only got about 20? fry most eggs fungused up.

so not to bad of a spawn no one got hurt(only fin damage, kinda mad about that! she was, is so nice) and semi sussessful, just next time ill watch more carefully.
Congrats... why is it i always condition extra and everything and i still cant get the spawn lmao... but i dont think you have had that male for 2 weeks and they spawn straight away... i must be doing someting wrong lol..

i was saying that i didnt think you had that male DTPK for two weeks to condition in. Even when i condition mine for 3 weeks it still wouldnt work :no: i must be doing something wrong :/

If it was his 1st go.... he probably was eating the eggs that were not fertile. It takes some a few tries until they get the knack. Don't write him off as an egg eater... he was most likely just doing his job. they will eat infertile & fungused eggs to make sure the other kiddos are ok.

I wish they had tumblers for betta eggs like they do for cichlids...
well acctualy it was almost a month of conditioning, i keep all my males in conditioning. and i got him on the 10th of last month. ill try again.

bw, what you you look for when you conditioning, once i learned the secrets its been pretty easy.
let me know what you doing maybe i can help you out.

never, next time once the eggs are there, im going to artificially hatch them. the dont have a high hatch % like when the male is present but at least i dont have to worry about him eating the eggs.

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