Dark Substrate


New Member
May 25, 2011
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Kansas City,KS
I'm looking into getting more natural dark substrate. I know someone posted on here about some dark river pebbles or something like that but I don't remember for sure what it was called. I am looking for something that's not too expensive as well. Any ideas are helpful.
I always find the home improvement store to be a better place to look for substrate than the LFS. They have all kinds of decorative sand and gravel that people use in their gardens. The bag will generally say if it's not safe for aquariums.
Okay thanks. I was thinking about switching my black gravel out for something different and putting that into my boyfriends 55 but I want to keep cories in his tank. So I guess I need to find a small pebble substrate, something smooth as he doesn't want sand for some reason. Any brands that you know that sell smooth black pebble type substrate? Is that something I could find at home depot/lowes? Would be great if I could get something there because I know it will be cheaper.
I think cories would be best with sand, unless you can find some really fine gravel

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