Dark Green "spot" On My New Betta


New Member
Aug 27, 2010
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Dear all,

I lost my first little betta to a parasite disease last week and a new little buddy has just come to continue my first one's legacy. His name is casper and he's witish-redish-bluish. I bought him yesterday and he just ate for the first time here, and has been swimming around non stop since I let him out in my 5 gallon tank. He's really smart.

The thing is, casper has got this dark green, high-relief "spot" on his right grill. I asked the LFS salesman what it was, and he said it was just some sort of birthmark. Is it really it? Can any of you guys tell me if it is just that? Or could it be some sort of tumor?? Fungus? He seems alright and healthy, but...

Here are some pics:


I hope it is just a birthmark, but if it's not, can you tell me how to treat him?

Thanks in advance!
i only had to look at one photo- that is definitely his color and nothing to worry about. dont be surprised if it "spreads" or if he gets other spots on his body. hes a cutie :blush:
I posted my comment on this duplicate post on the other thread...

Well maybe I'm wrong then as I thought there were scales sticking out around the dark patch, indicating a problem (either a melanoma/tumour or dead cells from an injury).

Hopefully it's all innocent body colouring then!

Yeah, well, the scales are not 100% normal around that area... they're not downwards, but they're not "sticking out" either... they kind of go along the deformation that this dark-green "bump" makes on his body...

let's see.

I'm sorry for the duplicate post. I originally meant to post it here since I don't know if it's an illness, but I ended up posting there first by accident, so I ended up leaving it there as well.

And as I said over there, he ate in less than 24h after I moved him into his new home, and for sure the food he was eating at the fish shop was not the same I use here (I bet they feed their bettas with a really poor but cheap kind of betta food that we have here in brazil - the guy tried to sell it to me)... Anyway, I think that maybe if he were stressed out due to moving into a new environment + Sick, he probably wouldn't care much for food yet, right?

And he picked out his favorite spot already: right under/next to the filter, where the water moves more than anywhere else... and I was told betta don't like filters because the water gets too agitated... =/

Thanks for everyone's help!

This pic has been posted already, but in this one it's quite visible that, besides the coloration, there's also a bump:


cheers =)
crikey thats some bbump! i guess if hes ok though then theres not really anything to worry about :)

my last betta loved the current too by the way :nod:
Mine has the same but further down his face I think. Mine also has a dark black/grey head.

Mine seems happy enough, having no troubles swimming, breathing, eating etc..

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