Dario Dario: Feeding Question


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Welling, Kent

I'm not even sure if Dario Dario are classed as oddballs, but here goes.

I have two pairs of Dario Dario, they are getting on perfectly.

But they will only eat frozen bloodworm and frozen glassworm. I have tried every type of frozen and dry food, but to no avail.

My question is, Are my fish destined for death, with just feedings of bloodworm and glassworms? Or will these foods suffice?

Hope someone can help
You'll be fine, particularly if you augment the diet with live foods periodically (bloodworm, mosquito larvae, daphnia). Badids have no interest at all in dry food and not much in most frozen foods, but they do accept bloodworms as you've seen.

Cheers, Neale

My question is, Are my fish destined for death, with just feedings of bloodworm and glassworms? Or will these foods suffice?
What Neale said.

Just don't keep them with any fast or aggressive feeders. Mine loved bloodworms but liked to stare at their food for ages before eating it. They couldn't be bothered with freeze-dried or flake anything.

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