Dan's 20 Gallon Nano Marine Tank Journal


Fish Herder
Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Like just like Parker12 and many others im also going to have a journal of my progress of my first Marine tank. This is what I have so far or wish to get

-20 Gallon Tank (US Gallons)
-2 Eheim Aquaball Powerhead 1212, 172GPH
-1 Fluval 304 With Filter Media
-1 JEBO 24" Compact Fluorescent 110W
-20 pounds of Live rock
-18 pounds of Live sand
-1 Hood
-1 Visi-Therm 100 watt heater

-2 Ocellaris Clownfish
-1 Purple Firefish Goby (if possable)
-1 Yellowheaded Jawfish (if possable)

-1 Fiji Yellow Leather Coral
-1 Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral
-2 Starburst Polyp Coral
-MAYBE 1 Candy Cane Coral (I don't think I will have room for it)

Cleanup Crew:
-? amount of Blood Red Fire Shrimp
-? amount of Scarlet Skunk Clearner Shrimp
-1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp (goes good with the Goby/Jawfish I think)

(these are pushing Nanos though...)
-1 Red and Black Sea Star but I dont think there is anyway for me to own one of these becuase of its delecate Texture and how it won't like my sand. Also they are for experts. But if anyone had an idea for it please say so :D
-1 Crocea Clam (I know I would have to weed out some of these live things becuase all of this would eb WAY to much and WAY to expensive)


Entry #1
Saturday, December 11, 2004, 8:30 PM EST

Today I got my parents permission to have another 20 Gallon tank im my room. And I started this post to make my investment more organize and to get the best of help from you professionals :p . So now im starting to put things in my shooping cart from Drs. Foster and Smith (best fish supplier that ive worked with) and hopefully will order my equipment after Christmas due to the lack of my from buying present for everyone. I just can't wait till I get this set up! :flex: Im wishing for a Digital Camera for christmas so I will also be able to give you visuals. And BTW, im quite new to the marine aquariums so ALL the help you have is EXTREEMLY APPRESIATED :lol: End Entry

Entry #2
Saturday, December 11, 2004, 10:30 PM EST

Ive changed my mind on what filter I will use. I was plannign on useing a Eheim ECCO Canister Filter 2232 but then read that people didn't like it with marine tanks. So I did some research and desided to get a Fluval 304 With Filter Media insead. Hopefully this would be a better choice. And help is still needed and comments needed. Thanks End Entry

Entry #3
Sanday, December 19, 2004, 12:37 PM EST

Ok time for an update. I've talked to my parents about this tank and how expensive it will be and they said that I would only be able to do a small amout at a time. For example: 1 Powerhead the first week: 1 Powerhead the second week. So basically it will be a little time before I finally get a tank up and running. Im guessing ill get all the equipment ready around June or July. I've fugure that the cleaning crew, the fish, the corals, and the equipment would cost me around 590 dollars. Its a bit expensive to buy it all at once. Ill give another update in about a week or so. :( End Entry

Entry #4
Sunday, December 26, 2004, 7:33 PM EST

Bad news guys. We have ran into complications and are not able to set up a Marine tank. But I guees I have learned alot about marine fish and thats something poitive. Thank you all for your kind help. End Post :(
good choice of cannister, I use the 304 on my system, its a good eorkhorse and can hold alot of stuff in i t should you ever need to treat the tank for any reason.
(ill bump up the post with these little do-hickies to let you know that I've updated the thread and so you wouldnt have to shift through tons of pages to look at my posts)
heniochus firefish are about 200$ U need a sliightly deeper sand bed fopr a jawfish

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