

Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
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Alabama, USA
Im sure this has been asked a lot, but I need some tank mates for my Danios...Ive read that Tetras are ok and Ive read they arent...Anyone have some suggestions? its a 30 US gallon tank with just them and some cories...

I'm only speaking from my personal experience but i've got some danio's in my 30 gal tank along with neon tetras, cories, harlequin rasbora's and 2 bolivian rams.

The danios cause absolutely no problem at all to any of the other fish.

I find that danios don't cause much trouble as long as they're kept in a decent sized shoal (5+ preferable 8+). Anything less than that and they can be nippy towards other fish.

I've personally kept danios with harlequins, cardinals, ottos, plecs, ember tetras, black neons, banjo catfish & peppered corydoras without any problems
Erised said:
I find that danios don't cause much trouble as long as they're kept in a decent sized shoal (5+ preferable 8+). Anything less than that and they can be nippy towards other fish.

I've personally kept danios with harlequins, cardinals, ottos, plecs, ember tetras, black neons, banjo catfish & peppered corydoras without any problems

Yeah, they are very hyper, but they stay in their own little school (there are 7 of them). They even like to school with the cories. I havent had any problems so far with them nipping or chasing any other fish...
I currently have a shoal of danios and i must say, they are a different fish when they are in a shoal. I started out with just 3 and they picked on eachother and didnt shoal at all. Now with the addition of only 2 more danios, they are always swimming the tank together. Definately go for 5+.

As for tank mates, i also have some dwarf neon rainbows and plan on adding more to my 29 us gallon tank. They get along well and dont bother eachother or the danios.

Other community fish would work well with danios also, just make sure you have shoaling fish in shoals, such as danios.
Yeah, I started out with 8 of them and 1 died...they have settled in quite nicely...The only problem I have is when I feed them...They are so fast and they eat up all the food before the slower fish can get to it...So, the slower fish come to the top looking for food and I gotta stand there and drop a flake at a time so they can get it before a never full Danio snatches it up...they even eat the shrimp pellots and algae waffers I feed my Bristlenose and cories...They are definately cool fish..

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