Danio's Interbreeding


New Member
May 27, 2010
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I love Danios, I have 3 Golden Zebras, 2 Zebras and 1 Leopard

1 of the Gold and the Leopard are female as they are much fatter and rounder than the others. My question is will the Danios interbreed, will I get a cross between a Zebra and Leopard/Gold? etc

Im fairly new to the hobby only my 1st month with actual fish in the tank.
It is very rare nowadays to find a Zebra Danio strain that have not been interbred with leopard Danios... Even when I breed Zebras exclussively, I will expect to find a number of Leopards amoung the fry... They all belong to the Brachidanio rerio clan, so are basically the same fish.

So the answer is yes they will interbreed (but not with Giant Danios or the other Danios)

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