Danios Breeding?


Dec 9, 2006
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Cumbria, UK
What are the posabilities of a lepard danio breeding with a zebra danio as i have one of each ( dont ask why)
and they are acting strange and funny around each other for a few days, does anyone have any ideas?
Joemuz :good:
seeing as the leopard danio is a man made colour morph of the zebra
the chances of them interbreeding is extreamly high.
Leopard Danios are a "strain" of Danio rerio, thus are the same species as Zebras. Yes they will breed together and produce viable young.
Oh wow!!! :hyper: Are they hard to breed?
How would i go about it? (REALLY HAPPY NOW)
Danio rerio is probably the easiest egglaying fish in the hobby. The biggest problem is stopping the parents eating the eggs. The fry, when they hatch, are small but pretty tough, any liquid fry food will do. They grow quickly, and will take powdered flake soon.
checkout my wesite (see sig) and go to the breeding/sexing page :good:
Thanks a lot everybody :good: :D :hyper: Will they breed in tank conditions and how do you tell betweem male and female? Ah thats a point you need a male and female to breed :lol: oops silly me!!!
Thanks a lot Joemuz :good:

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