Danios Behaviour


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK
I have been watching my new fish and noticed that they spend alot of time chasing eachother and biting eachother's tails.
Is this usual behaviour or are they stressed with the "cycling process" My fish are not fully matured so i cannot tell the sex of each but it looks like the one female (because she is big and has a rounder looking belly) well she seems to be the most aggresive she chases everyone around and bites them.
However i did see two kiss today ... that was sweet
dont worry they are like that (mine evn pair off and spar with there fins all flaired out and gill covers pushed out aswell they think that they are bettas at times) and it will not stress them so long as there are at least 6. The fems do tend to be a bit on the agressive end of the danio spectrum so don't wory about that either. But the kissing worries me :crazy: . Danios are not a cold water fish as many sights will sugest seeing as how they cannot be aclimated below 68 Degrees.

Nope there is no damage to any fins, they look very healthy...... one has like a black spot marking on his tail so yes i called him "Spot".... lol

opcn: "Danios are not a cold water fish as many sights will sugest seeing as how they cannot be aclimated below 68 Degrees." hmmm this breed was in the coldwater section at my LFS, even though there were some in the tropical section to i quizzed the guys and they assured me that danios are ok in coldwater as are minnows.
yeah never let there temperature drop below 68degrees ferenhiet They will wig out on you (you can find documentation on this at http://www.glofish.com/) if you like just be careful not to let any drafts into the room and you will be fine.


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