Danios are tough!!!!


Fish Addict
Jul 14, 2004
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I never kept Danios in my home. I have been volunteering at the museum of science and in our human body connection department they have two zebra Danios that are supposed to be put in the evolution display. I thought they only had them for a few weeks, I have recently learned that they have been there (in the back office) for about three months and have never had a water change! There tank smelled of ammonia and when I tested it the ph was below 6 and ammonia and nitrite levels were sky high. You would think the tank would have cycled. Very weird. The tank is only 5g and I offered to give them one of my extra tanks but they don't want a bigger tank. These fish are very active as well. I can't believe they are still alive. Truly amazing. I'm sure they are miserable though. When I tried to explain what the fish needed to be happy they looked at me like I was nutty. These people are bunch of scientists and I don't understand how anyone would not take an hour to do a bit of research to learn how to properly care for the fish. I will be taking care of them from now on though.
Wow, I am surprised they are still alive! Being scientists doesn't mean that they know a lot about fish. It all depends on their branch of science. If those danios are supposed to be for an evolution display I would say they deserve it! They have managed to survive tough conditions, if thats not survival of the fittest I don't know what is!
No doubt! they are tough! I just had higher expectations of scientists. I'm a science major and every thing we do is so thorough. Jeeze they couldn't have picked up a book? All they do is learn and at the museum that's our job, to learn and then teach. I should know better then to sterotype.

Luckily these danios run into you. At least smeone will show interest and take proper care of them.
Good luck 2u!
shrimpster97 said:
wow i knew they were hardy but i didnt know they could with stand that much! -_-
A lot of fish can handle a lot of things (like goldfish in bowls), doesn;t mean they are healthy or happy though and that's a shame. People presume because they are alive, they are ok.
There is no one for me to lodge a complaint to. For me to even be allowed to care for the fish we had to go to the heads of the museum that deal with anything regarding biology to get the ok. I saw a much larger tank in their office with Danio's. These were the people who looked at me funny and made a comment “as long as they didn’t have to do it”. We have an assortment of animals and species that are threatened with extinction that are meticulously cared for. They just don't regard our fishy friends in the same way. I may just bring in a ten-gallon anyway and pick up another danio. They belong in a shoal right?
gaya1111 said:
There tank smelled of ammonia and when I tested it the ph was below 6 and ammonia and nitrite levels were sky high

cos I'm nosy though...you don't happen to know the pH do you? :D
Oh thats nothing, I had a single fry liveing in my food culture and I added some potato to get it going stronger, Long story short I added to much all the snails fled the water the bloodworms all died, some from the water quality and some from drying out on the sides of the flower pot (Its in a 12 gallon pot) the amphipods all jumped out too. I couldnt stand to be in the room because it gave off a horrible burning smell the ph was down to 5 amonia hit 7 and nitrite hit roughtly the same a few days later. and after all the sludge cleared from the water I saw my lone fry swim to the top just under the slick of DOC's on the surface. I love that fry, glofish are tought but thats beyond anything I would Expect. It just ate its first flake food today too :D. Even the MTS who closed there operculums died and that little fry lived.

I hope he doesnt grow up deformed, Hes about twice the size he was and looks fine but you never know.

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