Danios And Tetras?


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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Well, I have a 55 gallon tank with a L75 and a L264 plec (abt 2.5-3in each), 3 queen loaches (babies as well) and 12 danios. I bought a betta for the tank (i know! I know! At hte time, it sounded like a great idea). Anyways, he did great for a week and then got depressed, hid in the caves and his tail got ratty. SOO the 6 neon tetras evicted from the ten gallon, and the betta got that tank. Which means the tetras are now in the 55.

The tank is lightly planted- a couple sword plants, and a bunch of smaller, 'grass like' ones (i can't rembmer the names) as well as floating redroot and frogbit.

So my dilemna is if the tetras will do OK there, or if i need to take them to the LFS (i dont know if they would even take them- theyre $1.00 fish, and what a pita to quarantine 6 fish for a few bucks of profit??). My grandmother and mom both have tanks, but i feel like it would be bad to give them to them (niether one believes in water changes).

I'm keeping an eye on things, and thus far the tetras try to stay out of the way, with occassional forays around the tank. Once in a while a danio contemplates nipping at them, but quickly gets distracted.

So... what to do?
Your danios shouldnt be nipping them...I have neons, cardinals, lemons, blacks all with danios for 6 months with no deaths at all....
Your tetras should be fine. Really most of those fish would prefer a more heavily planted tank, maybe put some more plants in....some rocks etc to break it all up a bit.
I have to agree with spooky. I have lemons, rummies, blacks and 4 different types of danios in one tank and they are all absolutely fine together. More taller plants sounds like a bonus for the tetra to hide in :D How about some planted mopani wood?
Thanks for the responses!

And theres plenty of plants- I want to make sure it has SOME clear space, for the plec's to swim (they're not necessarily big on heavily planted tanks- they'd probly tear them up) And theres a series of rock caves, a lil drift wood cave, and a v. large piece of 'tunnelly' drift wood (thats my new word of the day!lol)

Heres a pic:


back behind the big driftwood, theres a few plants that aren't really visible, but make great cover for the tetras as well. I also, on further reading, may double their numbers so they'll feel safer.
Tetra will definately feel somewhat more comfortable in larger numbers :D

Lovely tank :cool: I'd be inclined to add yet more plants, but as you have the plecs I see your dillemma of getting a happy medium. You could, if anything, add more thin tall plants around the background, thus leaving the same amount of swimming space for your plecs :D
Could you suggest some plant species that would work back there? I generally just drop in what ever looks good when I visit the LFS.

Also, how close am I to the point of CO2 injection? I really would rather not have to deal with all that stuff

i have a tank currently with tetra and danios and the danios only poked noses at the tetra for the first day or so but now they ignore each other :)
maybe you should add some more hiding places for the fish getting nipped on. That way they will have a place to feel a little more comfortable if the danios dont bother them. Other then that I dont know.


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